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- Analyze Payables
- ÀáAge Payables as of...Àá
- Enter a date, usually the current date. M.Y.O.B. determines the age of your
- payables by calculating the number of days between the purchase date and this
- date.
- ÀáDisplay $0.00 Balance PurchasesÀá
- This includes all closed (fully paid) purchases in the aging analysis. Leave it
- unchecked unless you are looking for a particular purchase and are unsure
- whether or not it has been paid.
- ÀáSummary AnalysisÀá
- All your payables are displayed, totaled by vendor. The outstanding payable
- balance for each vendor is displayed in the Total column. The total is broken
- down by age and displayed in the appropriate aging column.
- Click the arrow to the left of a vendor to see the vendor payable detail.
- ÀáVendor DetailÀá
- Click the radio button for Vendor Detail and select a vendor.
- All payables for this vendor are displayed in date order. The balance due for each
- purchase is displayed in the total column and again in the appropriate aging
- column.
- Click the arrow to the left of the purchase number to see the purchase detail.
- ÀáPurchase DetailÀá
- Click the radio button for Purchase Detail and select a purchase.
- This is the transaction trail for a single purchase. Click the arrow to the left of
- the transaction to see it in its originating window.